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An electrocardiogram (ECG) records the electrical activity of the heart. An ECG has a characteristic pattern and irregularities in the heart rhythm will be indicated by changes in the ECG pattern.


No special preparation is required for an ECG; food, water and medication can be taken as per your usual routine. For ladies, wearing a two piece outfit, in preference to a dress is recommended for your comfort.


Allow approximately 15 minutes for your ECG appointment.




Ten small electrodes are placed across the chest in specific positions over the heart and connected to an ECG machine by thin wires. To ensure a good quality trace is obtained some skin preparation, including light abrasion and cleansing with alcohol wipes, is necessary. For men sometimes shaving the area for electrode placement will be required. You will be asked to lie still for approximately 20 seconds whilst the tracing is recorded.


Your ECG tracing will be reviewed by a cardiologist and the report will be sent directly to your referring doctor, usually within 24 hours. The data obtained is digitally stored to enable precise comparisons should you require future tests.